

  • I have read that heart rate monitors really aren't that accurate at estimating calories burned. Even this article that states Polar heart rate monitors are pretty good say they are only about 75% accurate ( I have no…
  • Hello again, I think I may be in the minority here, but I'm finding fitbit's food logging to be friendlier. Maybe I'm not using myfitnesspal as efficiently as I could or something since I'm new, but here is my main complaint. I go to log a food, such as Post Great Grains Cranberry Almond Crunch. I get around 4 matches for…
  • Thanks! Did you ever figure out why some of your numbers were being changed during the sync? Were you entering activity information on mfp that perhaps overwrote the fitbit numbers on their website?
  • Thanks for the link, but I can't view it :-) I get a message stating the blog is private.
  • Hmmm. One thing I like better on the bodymedia site is that I can enter the food I eat by weight instead of a serving. I weigh most things I eat instead of measureing by volume. For example, I ate some Kashi Toasted Berry Crumble which weighed 60 grams. On the Bodymedia site I can enter it as 60 grams and it automatically…
  • Thanks for the replies so far! So it sounds like the big reason to use myfitnesspal is for a more complete food database. I did experiment a little on the fitbit site and entering food is a bit clunky. I'll have to try it on myfitnesspal to compare. I'm ok if I have to enter my own nutritional information as long as it is…
  • The bodymedia fit (and the fitbit) are better at recording activity from walking / running activities. I spoke with a Bodymedia customer support rep and they recommended that for a cycling activity that you remove the fit and log the cycling activity manually since the fit will underestimate your activity level. Removing…
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