johnmike91 Member


  • Okay I am going to stop my fast at 37 hours thanks to all who commented. I am tired, have no energy and have to work in the morning. Thanks everyone for the advice!
  • Only time will tell. Last Xray showed no joint damage according to the Doctor. I have pysoriatic Arthritis though, might be different than what you have.
  • 33 hours in the books and counting! The pain in my hand has already gotten a little better (without medication)!
  • Here are a few studies on the matter. I am not a conspiracy theorist I have just been convinced through research that it can't hurt.:wink: ,
  • 3-5 days. The longest I ever fasted was 36 hours and it made me realize how much I was eating.
  • According to several published studies. Water fasting can be a cure to Autoimmune disorders such as arthritis. Fasting disrupts the immune system and resets it. With the disgestive system getting a break the body can concentrate on healing itself from the inside. Water fasting is also a great method for detoxification. I…