JoanneRuddock Member


  • I have been on a similar website before which l used to pay for it was called nutra check l am constantly getting offers to lure me back but why would l when you have sites like this for free.
  • l am with you l don't see the point in exercising if you are just going eat them back again, l usually eat just under 1200 calories because you don't how accurate this site is and tend to burn around 500 cals a day in exercise. l have lost 14lb in 10 weeks so l must be doing something right.:happy:
  • I am 5 1" and 49 years old and want to be around 120lb l am currently 125.8 and have lost 12lb since joining 8 weeks ago.
  • I hope I find it as good as everyone is suggesting I have just ordered one from so should have it in a few days
  • Hi I am new here and live in great Yarmouth norfolk
  • I am also new to this and am 49 so have the big births day next year hence the reason I want to lose weight. I would like to be a stone lighter if I can keep my mind on it. Please add me as a friend then we can encourage each other thanks
  • I haven't even gone over my 1200 allowance in the 2 weeks I have been here I am eating lots of fruit and salads I have one little chocolate treat a day which is a fun size milky bar and that's my limit I also haven't had a drop of alcohol in the time I have been on the diet but that will all change at then weekend when I…
  • You can add me as a friend I am similar age and find it hard to lose the weight even though I am good at sticking to the diet.
  • Hi I have only just started doing this just over 2 weeks ago and have lost 5llb my aim is to lose a stone before I am 50 next year anyone is free to add me as a friend I need all the encouragement I can get thanks x