

  • There is a good reason for the manual adjustment of your carbs, protein & fat on MFP. Each person can be completely different and it is impossible for a program to estimate accurately. I would suggest meeting with a nutrition expert to find the plan that works with your current health level. This will also change as you…
  • I do hope everyone notices that a 300 calorie meal for most is ruining your metabolic rate. While semi-starvation would be 1/2 of your basal metabolic rate, it s still not good to go so far under your daily needs. As soon as you add calories back, you will gain back fast. The best way to keep the weight off is to decrease…
  • If you like to exercise barefoot, the best option is to use Vibram Five Finger shoes. I have a pair and use them when I play racquetball or run. Studies have shown that the best shock absorber is the human foot. Only recently have we made shoes that have trained us to land heal fist when we run. When you wear them, expect…