

  • Wait, there's one I can use with my own music?? What?!?! Yes! I've been using this one: which is a lot more motivating for me than the generic music in the background... but my own music! So exciting. This is my second time attempting the C25k. This time I'm taking two weeks for a…
  • Oh do I understand the sulking. I just had a tearfest this morning after ripping an expensive and much loved dress I had disillusioned myself into thinking I'd lost enough weight to wear this weekend for a bridal shower. While indeed I've lost ~15 lbs, I seem to focus on only that rather than the fact that before losing it…
  • Pre-planning into mfp helps me a lot, especially to know if I can afford a snack or not! :0)
  • You get pizza ads!?!? Because all I get are these #1 trick of a tiny belly. Cut down a bit of your belly every day by using this 1 weird old tip. And just about EVERY other ridiculous fad diet ad you can imagine!
  • I'm at not going to overeat or gorge on cookies at the office holiday party.... especially since I've already snacked (okay, ate them for breakfast) on the cookies I made for the party!
  • I've read on nutrition sites that it is not good to drink too much diet soda because it stimulates cravings for sweet things... Try googling it. Quite a few articles will come up (some more reputable than others).
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