arrae Member


  • Everything is totally messed up on mine.
  • All of my progress data since 2015 is gone. And my log is totally messed up. I've tried emailing many times with no resolution. This is so frustrating.
  • Thank you for your vote of confidence!! Really hoping I can make it though one this year, last year I came short by about one mile. Yes the heat is the worse to run in! Hopefully it cools off soon by you, it's been a nice 60-70s range around here lately. :)
  • Thanks MsGusMama I will try the timed. I'm outside.
  • I'm on my second attempt of making it to a full 5k, last summer I made it to running 2 miles straight and got no further. I'm at week 5 day 2 as of today and it is much easier this time around. First time breathing was so very difficult but I've slowly been working on my cardio and I think I'm getting stronger with moving…