

  • Yes all calories are the same and your body processes them in all the same way.
  • Yeah it doesn't affect me... you are totally right.... I'm sorry it's not about me and eating cake, it's about others and eating cake... apologies
  • But you shouldn't plan to have sugar foods 3 times a week, specially 370 calories. Your body will do nothing with it except turn it to fat. Again by having it 3 times a week you would be undoing any hardwork you have been doing and would be cheating yourself. You shouldn't look at it and go, oh wow I can have another 300…
  • That's fair enough, yes we have to treat ourselves every now and then was just shocked at the 3 times a week comment really. It may not be you but some people will go oh wow shes managing to lose weight and eating these things 3 times a week so if she can do so can I. Some people will use any excuse to have cake especially…
  • Cheers guys, I thought it would be best to go for the lower amounts. Alot of my working out is supersets or trisets so I'm working hard with minimal rest inbetween sets. I think its hard as it depends on the person, one mans vigorous pace is another mans moderate etc but like you say jesse if I set the lower then I will…
  • But surely these are items of food that your should be avoiding to reach your goals, are you not cheating on yourself by having this indulgence? Shame really and not a great help to people on this site who are interested in watching their calories, reaching their goals and maintaining a healthly lifestyle.
  • Ah thanks guys and girls. I was putting down individual exercises and was confused as they were not showing up the calories but I will just guesstimate now and just put the time down. It's better than nothing at all and gives me a better idea of what I am consuming as such... Cheers
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