

  • wow, just...wow. I can't believe people. You are doing well working out and don't let anyone make you feel bad for going slowly. I think people are so accustomed to the biggest loser tv show, when they are losing ridiculous amounts of weight so fast that people think it's easy to just drop 5 or 10 lbs just by working out…
    in RUDE PEOPLE Comment by elleden July 2012
  • how about plain non-fat greek yogurt? It's cheap and full of protein. You can get it in the big tubs, so it's less expensive than the little individual servings.
  • I think you are being too hard on yourself. I'm 5 ft tall and when I was 18, I was about 110-112, wore a size 2-4 and I was a cross country runner, so I had a lot of muscle. I was thin but I still had curves. You are 2 inches taller than me and your goal is to weigh even less. I think you need to reevaluate your goal and…
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