flsusi Member


  • hey Hoppa, which legs are still available? and what pace are you guys looking for? I might be interested along with another friend
    in Ragnar Relay Comment by flsusi May 2014
  • I hit a plateau in my weight loss when I started running more. After having read an article similar to the one you linked I tried eating more, but in the spirit of the whole 'anti carbs' craze I mostly avoided carbs and ate a lot of protein...and actually gained weight. so then I continued to eat more, but made sure to get…
  • I'm not a fan of all the gels and chews and whatnot - they all taste bizarre to me, and make me curse life for at least half a mile. So, I invested in this book called 'Feedzone Portables' and am very pleased! It has, besides some good insides on when and how much 'fuel' to take, some very good recipes for 'on the run'…
  • did you fly? for me, whenever I fly, there are 5-7 extra pounds that go away within the next few days (sometimes even overnight)
  • My favorite green smoothie: 1 cup of kale 3 cups of spinach 1 kiwi 1.5 cups of pineapple ginger - to your liking ----> delicious!
  • I added you, let's get running :)
  • @scouter, could you post the recipe for the frozen yogurt? sounds delicious!
  • Would lentils work for you? I use them as carb source before long runs. but I dont know much about nothing, so I dont know if that would fit your diet
  • hi there, I am in the same boat! The 5k, I have that one down packed by now, and im starting to work on longer distances. My next goal for myself is a 10k without 'walking breaks'. In November im doing a tough mudder which is 12 miles, but its not constant running (it gets interrupted by horribly torturous obstacles - what…
  • I have the basic Vitamix model, the one they sell refurbished (yes, the cheapest one ;) I can tell you that ever since I got it I have fallen in LOVE with it and use it almost every day. Mostly I make vegetable and/or fruit smoothies. Its SO easy. Simply toss the fruit in there and seconds later you have a delicious and…
  • Hi Luna, i learned the hard way that eating my 'must have' calories for the day is essential, I try to never be under. However, when I exercise I don't necessarily eat the calories back, only if I feel hungry
    in i MADE it! Comment by flsusi July 2013
  • Thanks guys! if only one person on here is motivated to stay on the wagon due to my success, it makes it even sweeter. it's not always easy. sometimes it is. a lot of times it isnt. my experience was that the first 20 pounds were hard, and the last 10. in between it went fairly easy. But let me tell you about the sweet…
    in i MADE it! Comment by flsusi July 2013
  • Definitely get the right shoes for you - a good running store will do an analysis and recommend the right shoe for you. I had the same problem and completely solved it by getting the right shoes for me, as well as 'superfeet' insoles - they are great. Today: no more PF problems :)
  • I found that having an egg white omelette for breakfast keeps me full longer than anything else - I could go to lunch with just that, but make it a point to still eat my snack (apple or yogurt) at 10am to keep the metabolism going. my go-to morning omelette is: 9 tablespoons of liquid eggwhite 2 slices of tomato 1 piece of…
  • one of my favorite lunches that I prepare on the weekend and keep in the fridge is curried lentils: cook 1 cup of lentils, add spinach, carrots, a can of tomatos, broccoli, scallions, some soy sauce, ginger, cinnamon, 1-2 tablespoons of curry - let simmer for a while - voila!
  • here is a before and after pic (if it works - technology is against me) P.S.: this isnt the biggest I was. I made darn sure not to be in any pictures anywhere after this P.P.S.: I blurred out my face since it is, after all, the internet
  • hey y'all - im brand new to this site, I have been using the iphone app for a while and had no clue there is an actual web page... duh! Im looking to shed around 100 pounds. Already got rid of 20, but now it seems im stuck and its SOOO frustrating! But - Ill keep trying! Maybe if I start thinking skinny thoughts? any ideas…
  • hi All! Im in Coral Gables, FL!