:drinker: So much conflicting advice! LOL I think I could probably get into drinking a smoothie or something of that nature in the morning. I typically wake up with just enough time to make myself presentable for work... so cooking or sitting down to eat in the morning is not something I would really like to do. I think…
Thats hilarious, and I totally just pictured my self doing that.
I'm gross because when I sit down my body looks like a triple layered cake. My thighs rub together, I have back boobs, an ugly scar on my leg and borderline cankles. But, I am a work in progress. And I have a gorgeous face. Boo ya.
WOW! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. I see in most forums that people rave about the awesome instant effects of Adipex. What I notice now however is that the majority of those people have only been on it for a month or two. There is very little research to be found on the lasting effects of this drug. Its a little…