

  • Hi Zyaedra, I have already done Insanity last year around August and I lost around 6kgs in about 1.5months. I was in India at that time so I wasnt getting proper nutrition. I had very few choices of veggies, fats and protein. I started around 76.5kg and when I stopped i was 70kgs. After I got back in December to Canada...I…
  • Hello All, Current Weight: 187lbs Height: 5.6' Goal Weight: 135lbs - 140lbs Following a whole foods (paleo) diet. Starting Insanity and weight training. I am also taking herbal supplements to naturally balance my hormones as well as reserve PCOS. Are well all PCOSer's here ? Would love to hear what you all are doing to…
  • Are well PCOSer's here ?
  • Count me in too !! :)