

  • I do understand the OP's point: I have quit gyms that had a chronic problem with members do that. I'm usually pretty live and let live (and am totally uninterested in what anyone else is doing), however in a small gym with a limited number of cardio machines, when you have half the machines being used by people to lounge…
  • Probably not. As much as I like MFP, I would not be able to justify the expense.
  • I have a ton of fitness programs for my Wii that are great--esp when it is 90F and 100% non-condensing humidity outside. I also have a park across the street when the weather is nice. At work, I build in time to spend extra time on the stairs. It only takes a few minutes (less than the breaks I never get around to taking)…
  • I would schedule a check up with your doctor just to give her peace of mind--and then follow the doctor's advice. In the meantime, buy a couple of pair of new pants in the correct size. It's not a huge investment and, trust me, you will look and feel much better once you actually have clothes that fit. This from the person…
  • The Subway sandwiches vary greatly depending on exactly what you choose. I check my options on the website before ordering and have my favorites saved in MFP. Calories can vary between around 250 all the way up to 750 for a 6" sub. Type of bread makes a difference--the regular white is actually the lower cal option. Cheese…
  • MFP's calories goals, etc. reset at midnight--it's a computer program, that's how they work. In real life, your body doesn't just zero out and start over on calories and exercise every 24 hours. As long as you are averaging within the correct parameters over an extended period of time (say week/month), you should be just…
  • Shave the Brussels (it will look like coleslaw) using a knife or a mandolin. Coarsely chop some pecans (or walnuts)--approx. 1/4 c.--and toss into a frying pan (no oil at this point!) over med-hi heat for a few minutes until they are nice and toasty. Add approx. 1 Tbs. of butter or olive oil and the Brussels. Sprinkle with…
  • I have had a FitBit One since Christmas and love it. It keeps me moving more than I would normally have been and, like MFP keeps me mindful of my eating habits, the FitBit keeps me mindful of my movement habits. It's pretty accurate for me. I will disagree with one thing, though: It is an activity tracker, not just a…
  • The first gym I went to, I would use the showers. I was usually there mid-day and had other things to do afterwards. The last gym--no. The clientele at that gym was a bit sketchy and the shower facilities not very nice. I always planned things so that I could go straight home from the gym. Now I just work out at…
  • I lost about 47 lbs and went from a 38H to a loose 36H...I need to try and find a 34H now...I was sure I had lost at least a cup size...nope! after much trying on...definitely still an H.
  • Yeah, my dad used to give me lengthy lectures on my weight every time I saw him. I tried explaining that I had already discussed it with my doctor, etc (I had and I was doing something about it--I had just had a huge change in lifestyle and hadn't figured out how to adapt yet)--and got the "but I'm just telling you because…
  • Usually a granola bar and a couple of large glasses of water. That's about all I can handle at 4 am and it does typically hold me over until lunch time. Sometimes I will do a slice of toast and/or an egg. More on the weekends if DH decides to cook--but that is usually more of a combined breakfast/lunch.
  • Yes. I sit at a desk 10-12 hours a day. And I really have to be sitting there to get work done. I have a long commute on top of that and by the time I get home, I barely have enough time for dinner, basic chores, and bed (usually way too late). On the other hand, I have also learned to use my office to my diet advantage:…
  • Good grief! It's simple enough to have at least one or two veg friendly dishes--not every dish has to have some sort of meat in it to taste good and it's a simple kindness to offer plenty of options to all guests. Just having a couple of veg dishes covers a LOT of bases in regards to food intolerances and allergies (no…
  • Sure! 45 yrs old and lost over 40 lbs so far...would like to lose another 20 or so.
  • If you have a local small grocery or produce stand, they will often sell the veg that are just going off at a deep discount (or even let you have them for free). These are not so great to just eat raw however cooked down with water make great vegetable stock which is a great base for soups and stews. Cook down with a lot…
  • Mine is public. I eat what I eat. Who sees it won't change anything and it is of no use to me if I'm not as accurate as possible. Then again, I've never really had anyone comment on what I'm eating (nor would it really occur to me to comment on what they are eating) so I'm not particularly self conscious about it. If that…
  • One of the biggest reasons I gave up my gym membership was other people. There were a dozen ellipticals and yet more than once a crazy person came up and insisted that they needed the machine I was on RIGHT NOW and How Dare I use THEIR machine! None of the others were even in use at the time. There was only one circuit…
  • I use the stairs at work--a LOT. At home I use the park--they have some serious hiking trails and the monkey bars are good for pullups. At home in the house, A manual (non-electronic) treadmill that I got at a second hand shop for $40, Wii with various fitness games, and dvds. You can also download fitness videos on…
  • I eat 3 meals and usually a couple of snacks (at least during the week--weekends tend to get crazy). Depends on what you eat--usually, I'm not hungry. However I tend to eat very filling foods and fill the corners with fresh fruit and veggies, hot soup, granola bars, etc. which have relatively few calories. I also drink a…
  • Just jump in where you are. So, you ate too much junk food for your birthday--you don't even want to know what I ate at Christmas while visiting my parents! So you pick up the next day, the next meal, and do better. Before you know it, the junk food binge will be long behind you. These things do even out over time. There…
  • I've had mine since Christmas and find it extremely useful. For one thing, knowing how much I have/haven't done during the day really encourages me to get out and put in that extra effort to do more.
  • I hate running. I wasn't good at it as a skinny athletic kid, I wasn't good at it as an athletic adult in boot camp, I'm definitely not good at it as an overweight over 40 desk jock. I love to walk and hike and bicycle and all kinds of other things--just not running. And it makes no difference whether it is on a treadmill…
  • It is, basically, cornmeal that has been cooked down with water until it is super thick. Frequently cooled, sliced, and then recooked. It is reasonably good for you (corn), not particularly low carb though. Fat-free. The way I most commonly serve it is sliced, baked, then topped with a little crumbled gorgonzola cheese and…
  • When you cannot avoid eating out, I find it very helpful to check out the nutritional info of the prospective restaurants online before leaving. It's amazing how some of the dishes that seem "lighter" and "healthier" are actually the worse choices, whereas some that seem like they would be a bad choice are actually pretty…
  • When I was young and slim and fit (all muscle, no fat or flab)--I would get asked if I was pregnant a lot. I never could figure it out. Now that I'm older than dirt they just stick to asking why not!
  • I have to agree--it's a parent problem, not a game problem. FWIW, I also use the Wii for exercise. I don't have ready access to a gym and it's dark by the time I get home. There are some serious workouts available for the Wii.
  • Not to beat up on you (because, really, I am sure you are doing your best!), but they have a point: My husband grew up with a mother who was fanatical about food. No salt, no sugar, no fat, no processed foods. When he went into the military, they thought he was nuts--as far as he was concerned the food was FANTASTIC. He…
  • There is a blog that you might find helpful, She specializes in vegan healthy desserts (and other things too). At least if they are going to have a sweet treat, it might as well be somewhat healthy, right? She provides nutritional info along with most of the recipes.
  • Another from FL! Grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, the Space Coast, and now N. Ctrl.