photo_kyla Member


  • I agree on the salad dressing! I couldn't believe how much fat and sodium it had. Usually Italian Dressing isn't too bad, but theirs is horrible nutrition-wise.
  • You said you've been eating out. How is your water intake? 5 lbs in one day is probably related to water retention and restaurant food is notorious for high sodium. If you drink a ton of water, you might see it start to go down again. :smile:
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Kyla. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 10. You're supposed to "grow out of it" by the time you're 15, but I didn't. :ohwell: About half of my years in junior high and high school, I was exempted from PE; but I didn't really start to gain weight until my Sophomore year of…
  • Bump! That looks so yummy!
  • If you want to, friend me :) I've been on MFP for a year+ (but took off 6 months when I was living overseas). I've lost about 40lbs since starting, almost 80 since my heaviest, but still have about 40 to go.
  • Remember that that number doesn't count any exercise. When you exercise it will give you calories back.
  • Your body needs a certain about of glucose (blood sugar) to function. This is important for your brain and metabolism as well as other organ functions. The "sugars" that your supposed to watch out for are refined sugars (think "high fructose corn syrup" or granulated sugar). Those are the ones specially listed on the…
  • Most things on their "fit" menu, 6" without cheese or mayo. As much veggies and mustard as you want. You can play with the numbers here: My favorite is the roasted chicken breast on wheat :) It's hot, so I still feel like I had a real meal.
  • Just out of curiosity, what are you drinking? You don't have any water marked off, but you don't have any other drinks listed either. Part of the reason I'm asking is because a lot of the things I'm seeing on your diary are pretty high sodium, and I know from experience that I don't lose if I'm not getting enough water,…
  • Most people on here are talking about the ones that they wear, not one online. Polar is one brand, but there are a ton out there. They actually register your heartbeat (with a chest strap and a sensor) and use that to figure out calories burned. It send the results to a watch that you wear. It's more accurate becuase the…
  • Air popped popcorn: 30 cal per cup. It's great if you want something to snack on. Any toppings (butter, oil, sprays) add calories though, so you have to remember to add them in too.
  • I'm different all over. My waist and abdomen are slimming down nicely, but my upper arms, hips, thighs, and calves are still larger. For example, I wear a size 12/14 shirt, but the short sleeve ones are tight around my upper arms. I wear a size 14 jeans (stretch), but my hip measurement is size 16+ by most clothing…
  • I'm just trying to get a general idea. For example, right now I *know* that my measurements are not proportionate for someone my weight because of the way that clothes fit. My gym measures chest, waist, abdomen, hips, thighs, calves, and arms as well as body fat % and it would be nice to have some idea how far I have to go…
  • The biggest problem with figuring out the numbers in a recipe: How do you figure out the calories from the oil? You fry it in oil, but you don't consume all the oil in the pan. The rest of the ingredients I can figure out, but this one has me stumped.
  • So is 55 calories each anywhere close? I know that everyone makes them differently, but I'm just going for a best guess.
  • With the kidney disease and edema, has your doctor recommended a nutritionist? Those are pretty severe dietary concerns and not really something you want to mess around with blindly. This is something you really need to go to the professionals about.
  • Hi! I'm Kyla. I'm on Whidbey Island (put a dot in the middle of Puget Sound, halfway between Seattle and the Canadian border and that's about it). :smile:
  • ^^^ This is true in part. That's the whole idea of "calories in, calories out". As you get more fit and are a little more used to counting calories, you might want to start watching calories from fat. According to national recommendations, you want to keep your fat calories at less than 30% of the total calories The reason…
  • If it's something I know I'd have a problem stopping eating, I take the container and divide the whole thing into single servings. I put them in ziploc baggies or tupperware containers. That way they're already portioned and they are easy to grab if I'm having a busy day. It also lets me see " I only have 3 more bags of…
  • You're probably better off eating more fiber with the fat since fiber traps some of the fat molecules in digestion so they don't get absorbed. Your body works to bring your stomach contents up to body temp and it takes about 3 hours to digest your food fully. Your tea/coffee will have cooled off long before that. (Warning:…
  • Interesting side note I was told about pouring fat down the sink: If you use hot water, the fat solidifies when it hits the cooler sides of the pipes. If you use cold water, it will solidify BEFORE it sticks to the pipe and wash on through.
  • Are the new clothes obsolete? Seeing a gain in weight but drop in body fat implies that it's muscle gain. Have you done any measurements? (Also, if you are building muscles, if could be water retention *in* the muscles.) If it isn't muscles, my default culprit is Sodium. Has that changed at all?
  • This is me too, unfortunately. (Well, except for the running topless from the cops part :tongue: ) I was a 38D at my heaviest and 75lbs later am a 36B. Never had kids and I'm 33, so it's pretty depressing. Most push up bras don't even work because there isn't any firmness left. They sort of fold and look worse. :grumble:…
  • Not that much experience with 2 year olds, but what about ignoring her? Just pretend the fit isn't happening and do something fun with your 2 (or by yourself). It sounds like she's doing it for the attention. If it doesn't work, she might stop. It will probably be a rocky few days until she realizes that, though. Good luck…
  • Some of the costumes they picked for their campaign are bad, yes, but how is a geisha any more derogatory than a can-can dancer or a saloon girl? I think people are smart enough to know that all Japanese women are not geisha, and there is a lot of beauty in both the costume and and the stories behind it. Maybe the point…
  • Before I got a heart rate monitor, I looked it up and it said that the average Zumba workout burns 550-800 calories/hour. I just logged it at the low end (550). It's better to count it as lower and play it safe. If you count it higher and eat those calories back, it could sabotage you in the long run. Since i got the HRM,…
  • Any other Zumba DVD titles? Variety is the spice of life :)
  • I've been noticing this with my HRM, too. My calories burned seem to be dropping by about 20-50 cals per workout (circuit and Zumba) no matter how hard I push at it. :grumble: I'm wondering how to overcome it.