yes the more lean muscle mass requires more calories but dont be fooled its not ton of extra calories 1.fat burns 2 calories, compared to 2 muscle which burns 5-7 calories.
yes water makes a difference helps get rid of excess sodium, hydration, the body is mostly made up of water, and drinking cold water helps boost metabolism which helps burn extra calories helped me alot so yess water makes a difference and is the bomb!
it depends a couple of things can mess with you weight sodium intake, sore muscles( hold more water which main cause temporary weight flucation), or you may build muscle (muscle heavier than fat). but if those things are in check and so is your diet you should see progress in a good amount of time try to weigh your self…
yea couple of things could cause the 2lbs up 1.muscle does weigh more than fat so that could be one 2. sore muscles hold more fluid which can fluctuate weight 3. yup could just be water weight so dont sweat it more than the scale go by the mirror, clothes, and how you FEEL, scale is good but to a certrain extent