

  • Slowly.....down 1 pound this week. But, a pound a week steadily wouldn't be so bad. I'm still 2 lbs above where I was 3.5 weeks ago! Ah well- life's little challenges! :wink:
  • And I actually like the flax oil in fruit smoothies- tastes creamy, and nutty. Does anyone know if flax seeds lose some efficacy if they are pre-ground? I know they are supposed to be refrigerated, but should we also be buying whole seeds and grinding them (like in a coffee grinder). I've read different things.
  • I'm intrigued- being both a peanut butter lover, and an oatmeal eater- do you mix them? if, so do you have milk on it?
  • I put barley in vegetable bean soup- and you don't need much- it really expands! As far as interesting rice-like substitutes that are healthier, try quinoa (keenwa). It's an African grain that has a really nice nutty flavor and good texture. I'm not sure of the nutrition info, but I do know that it is the highest protein…
  • Don't tell him they're tofu. They don't have the same texture as regular pasta- they are more 'al dente'. I like them, and they definitely fit right in in a sukiyaki style dish (japanese brothy soup with veggies, and small amounts of fish, or meat). eating them with marinara like regular spaghetti is more of a stretch. I…
  • Thanks! I am so sick of this kind of thing!!! Thanks Bush!
  • Do you know about tofu noodles? They're pretty good, and can really fill that pasta craving (for me). I find them at several grocery store, including Safeway, with the tofu and other refrigerated "meatless" items. Sometimes they are called Shiritake noodles. They are packaged in aplastic pouch, with water in it. They are…
  • Tofu, green onions, red peppers, and garlic "sauted" in broth Brussels sprouts- shredded and sauted in olive oil with garlic and lemon (I love this!!- great way to eat brussels sprouts) cucumber and cherry tomato salad (with lemon, garlic, salt and pepper) 1 glass white wine
  • I haven't budged either- holding at 186- but I felt better this last week- exercised more, ate more produce than I had been the past several weeks. Things have been emotionally hard but I am determined not to turn to food for comfort...sounds easy enough:laugh:
  • That works! Thanks a lot! I was going in to 'Saved Meals' and then typing it in, and trying to move it- giving myself far too many steps.
  • great! I'll try that!
  • We have Trader Joe's all over the San Francisco Bay are too- I love it! They may only be on the north/west coast.
  • Does any one else have trouble moving a remembered meal into the daily food diary? I have been saving some of my frequently eaten meals, and have no trouble pulling them up in saved meals, but then don't see a way to transport them into my diary...?
  • I think the Martini calories are wrong- just a shot of gin, or vodka, a drizzle of dry vermouth and a couple olives. that should be under 100.
  • Great!!! That's right. I just got confused about eating the BMR calorie calculation- which you don't want to do. You want to eat the calories that MFP has calculated for you BASED on your BMR, and the number of pounds you want to lose per week- which is what I have been trying to do.
  • Yeah- I know that this site subtracts for the number of pounds you want to lose per week, but the BMR calculation, under 'Tools', doesn't ask for the number of pounds per week you want to lose... I'll scout around some more and see if I can answer my question. Thanks!
  • Feeling more postive! Back on track food-wise- yay! Down .5 pound from 2 days ago...this is good since I had gained 3.5!! I REFUSE TO GIVE UP!!!!!! Thanks for being such a supportive group!:bigsmile:
  • "Run, don't walk, to "tools" and use the BMR calculator. Please, please, please, eat at least your BMR calories every day. You might lose weight more slowly, but you will still lose, and you will not longer feel a sudden urge to fall over every time you do, well, anything. " viviakay One more question about this- Isn't the…
  • Yeah- this is a good idea! I've had a hard time since I joined (Jan.7). I started off great, but kept slipping, and then had a lot of trouble getting back on track. I've not been able to track my food consistently or exercise regularly for more than 5-10 days at a time. This results are- 2 lbs lost, 2 lbs gained! Last week…
  • I had a hard weekend- two family gatherings around meals, and one dinner out with friends. I am feeling like I may have to make some rules for myself- since I seem unable to have any willpower when there are temptations, I think I may need to eliminate social meals until I can get in the groove of things! My stats: Jan. 7…
  • Regarding Alli- it only blocks 1/4 of the calories from the fat you consume. Fat has 9 calories per gram. If you eat 45 grams of fat per day, then Alli is blocking 99 calories per day. A pound of fat has 3500 calories in it. This means that it would take about 35 days to lose one pound. So, Alli will increase your weight…
  • Hi! I'd like to join the July Challenge! Started Jan. 9th at 190 today weigh 183 Goal by July 1st. 160 What I really want is to have a steady 2 lb per week weight loss between now and July 1st, and be at my goal weight of 145, but I know that I can't maintain that level of loss consistently with out a few bad weeks here…
  • Yay!! Keep it up! We can ALL do this together!
  • Thanks Valhead! It DOES help to hear that others are struggling with the same issues. Have a great week!
  • I like to make pureed "cream" soups with broccoli, cauliflower, or butternut squash. It's not quite a side dish- but it is an accompaniment. Here's what I do: Cook the vegetable (steam, or roast) until tender. Put it in the blender with chicken or vegetable broth, sauted onions, and spices (see below) I use cumin, and…
  • Hang on- TIGHT! You are so worth the effort. Do whatever you need to do to keep fighting the depression. I have suffered my entire life from depression, and know what you are going through. If trying another medication will work- DO IT. If therapy helps- DO IT! Just don't give up. There are so many people battling…
  • This is great- will help keep me on target! I had 2 soft boiled eggs 1 piece whole wheat toast 1/2 ruby grapefruit 1 cup coffee w/ 1/4 cup non-fat milk
  • He sounds awesome!!!!
  • This sounds really good! I love the recipes you post! Can you tell me how much constitutes a serving?