stinkystinkykitty Member


  • I recently started kettlebell lifting. I have an old yoga mat, and 2 kettlebells (8kg, 12kg). I only takes up space when I'm working out.So small and easy!
  • I'm surprised no one has mentioned streches- you can find a lot of differnt sites explaing differnt foot streches for this if you google it, here's one: also basic calf streches are great for streching the plantar facia
  • I would say a kettlebell. I just started training with one, using Laurn Brook's ipone/iPad app. Love it. All her excercises use just one kettle bell- though you may want a heavery one and a lighter one, because for excercises that use your legs more (swings, deadlifts etc.) you will be able to lift more. Kettlebell…