julepgirl Member


  • I can relate. Just writing that post, I've found myself inspecting the silky smooth skin under the rings - there's no fingerprint lines left there - I wonder if they'll come back... and also, I think the skin is really dry cause when I pinch it, it looks scaley. OK, maybe that's starting to be a little obsessive :P Now I…
  • alisiaendris, that's really pretty! I knit but would like to learn crochet, so many beautiful patterns for lacy trims!
  • You were a gorgeous bride! In this picture, I know it's the wind, but it looks like you have fairy wings!
  • Outback Cheese Fries, Mexican Coca-Cola, and Krispy Kremes.
  • Yes, sun makes mine go away (or keeps them from showing up) too. I think we do have the same thing, whatever it is. The diet might be the cause, but it might also simply be a coincidence - I started getting them around age 30, how old are you? I have a similar complexion to yours, from what I can see. And if the onset was…
  • PS - though they do look like they've left scars, if I keep moisturizing, that look goes away and you can't tell where they were. I think that's just the last phase of their appearance.
  • That looks a lot like patches I get on my arms and legs, and occasionally on my face or back too. They start as bumpy patches, like you said, then go scaley, then look like scar tissue for a while. Mine tend to be about the size of a dime or a touch smaller, but now and then I get a big one. The face ones tend to be on the…
  • I was so sure I knew what I wanted based on the ads I'd ripped out of bridal magazines. I took those ads in and tried on all the dresses and was :indifferent: ... Then my mom talked me into trying on a strapless lace dress - I liked the look, though I did NOT like how I felt in a strapless, nor did I like the price. I had…
  • Priceless! Congratulations! I look forward to the day I can say the same. I've got those knickers - I use the name pettipants cause it makes them sound a little nicer than "better not get lucky knickers". But I guess in my heart I know they're one and the same.
  • First, as for the thing about no guys liking your body type or whatever you were saying, my guess is that you don't live in a metro area with much of a gay population? Among other interesting things I've done, I've spent a LOT of time at a particular gay country-western bar in a particular big city and two-stepped with a…
  • Posts like this crack me up. People are so good at coming up with scaaaary sounding stuff that means absolutely nothing. "Chemical cocktail". Well, so is tea. Steeping herbs or tea leaves requires the chemical properties of the water and of the substances (tannins, flavanoids, polyphenols, antioxidants, caffeine, etc) in…
  • I think Ronni's letter is an improvement, but there are too many passive verbs, and you need to remember a gym is an especially "go-get-em" kind of place. You want a lot of action - I will, I can, I look forward to, I'm great at. When I was in school, a teacher told me this is how to write an essay: "Tell them what you're…
  • Are the scales on a soft floor? A scale on carpeting cannot weigh correctly... That's the only thing I can think of... unless you're undergoing gravity fluctuations, or breathing large amounts of helium....
  • I like to think about stuff like this, and as mentioned in the other thread, how future generations might view things compared to how we do. Aspartame is an interesting example - sure, it's possible that scientists will provide sound proof that it does some awful thing; but on the same note, it might become as ubiquitous…
  • I'm new here, sorry for waking up an old thread, but this is an awesome question! I'll make this first: http://www.knit.dk/uk/mermaid.htm# I don't care if it's in style. I just really want it. Then maybe this: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/radiance-cabled-jacket I can't wait :)
  • BeeBee, did you ever find one? I was just searching for this exact thing.
  • My dream is to have a handful of happy, self-sufficient kids who are well on their way to being happy, self-sufficient adults; and to be healthy myself through it all - I have a 14 month-old so far, and I can tell my weight is going to make being a mom a lot harder - getting up and down off the floor, carrying him for long…
  • I'm in the same boat - it's so bad that I stagger when I get up to walk - it's embarrassing, and hurts like the devil. For me, the pain reduces after a few minutes walking (I'm guessing - foot has stretched out a bit), but then comes back if I walk much more than a few minutes, and gets worse and worse. I tried really…