julepgirl Member


  • I'm apparently a masochist this year. I decided that I'm going to knit all my Christmas presents (except I'll buy some extra stuff for hubby and the boy). And of course, I picked some of the hardest and/or most boring projects. What's wrong with me!? So far I've cast on: pink sparkly legwarmers for my niece, who, it turns…
  • This is captivating. I am going to have to start looking more closely!
  • Ms Hungry reminded me of something awesome. Trader Joes has dehydrated blueberries, strawberries and bananas. They're yum!
  • For car snacking, pre-portion your snacks. One of my favorite car snacks is grapes. I buy a bag or two (red seedless for me) and wash them, and then pick every single one of them off the stem and put them into 2-3 cup plastic containers or ziplocs. Yum! and you could refill your containers every so often really easily.…
  • Since you're friendly with the guy, maybe try to take it lightly - easier said than done, I know, but turn it into a joke. Next time you see him, say something like, "You know, I started worrying when you make the comment about my weight this morning, cause I have been working out still... so I weighted myself and - nope,…
  • That's kind of a magical little story! Kudos to you for your perserverance and success so far, and kudos to your husband for being observant and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing it!
  • I recently rounded up pics of my first ride on each of my bikes. Started riding at seven - a little Yamaha 80. Still have it and it's still a blast on trails and around the farm. I've never really cared about flat-footing, as you can see. moved up to a hand-me-down Honda 125 to get around my small town. It was my mom's and…
  • http://www.overthinkingit.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/rs-500-us-oil-production1.jpg
  • I thought of one more - pudding or yogurt! I've had low-cal versions of both that are at least palatable, and sometimes pretty darn good! There was a chocolate mint yogurt I had a while back that was like candy. Also, and with all due respect to Tania... in my chocolate-addicted opinion? Carob is not good. I've been…
  • I am the same way, but for me it's milk chocolate. Seriously, I can eat a whole bag of "snack size" kit kats in a sitting, if I let myself. My worst cravings come when I'm at work and bored, so a lot of these are for then. I have to have a lot of different approaches to keep things under control. So I'm going to list…
  • It sounds like you've got it together fairly well. I will tell you, the weight watchers meals (or lean cuisine or whatever) are deceptive. I don't know why they are like they are, but I can fill my plate with about three times as much food for the same calories. A dinner for me is usually (not always), a serving of meat…
  • I'm not going to answer the main question because I'm not an expert and I don't know. But... I was looking at your food journal and noticed some trends. Whatever calorie level you decide to eat at, you can eat the same NUMBER of calories as you are now and feel much more full if you change WHAT you're eating. For example,…
  • That's interesting, and good advice. I've never heard advice to do 30DS every other day, but it's possible I just missed it. I have to admit, I like the idea of resting every other day, but that's out of laziness. Maybe I'll try and figure out something to do on the off days. I'm very resistant to pure cardio stuff because…
  • Do you think it could be because people aren't really sure what they want, or if they are, whether they can attain it? I met my husband when I was 30, so I was single/dating for a long time, and I think a lot of relationships that seemed to be kinda dragging along artifically were because the person almost wasn't sure what…
  • You are awesome! I'm so impressed, and you look wonderful.
  • I did it! First bunch were part of 30DS, then I did the rest before cooling down. That sucked! But I'm glad I did it, I guess. Thanks for the challenge!
  • I'll join the challenge! I need some motivation today. Maybe this will be it.
  • Hey, that IS a lot of weight, don't sell yourself short! Your face look so, so much different - I can see your jawbone, and your chin is more defined... You look spectacular! Keep up the good work!!!
  • My tip is to tune her out. After day four or five, I was getting sick of hearing her jabber on about the same crap (I know it's a DVD, but I'm trying to stick with it, so I need to not hate it). So now I do a couple different things. I put on music and concentrate on it, sometimes I sing along in my head (cause I'm…
  • How long is your day? Could you bring a couple small meals instead of these snacks? I work an 8-hour day and don't refrigerate my lunches, and they're fine five hours after I made them. My favorite lately are wraps - My husband will grill up a bunch of chicken breasts on the weekend, and then I make myself wraps all week -…
  • That's awesome! Your face looks entirely different! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • If you can handle a little bacon, this is good - Kale with roasted beets and bacon. My husband made it when we got kale and beets from the CSA on the same day and I was looking at them like... what do we do with this crap? LOL! Best advice is to roast the beets the night before - easy and that way it's not an overwhelming…
  • I know this isn't a terribly interesting couple questions, but if anyone can lend a little knowledge, I'd sure appreciate it.
  • Haha, lots of questions. I'll answer them within your quote... Absolutely! I'm not using this as any kind of excuse, it's just my one concern. If I lose the weight, I want to like how I look, not have some new thing to try to hide when cameras come out :P
  • It's funny how that works, once you can do one... I've tried to teach myself crochet from a book and youtube but can't for the life of me get the tension right. If I don't end up cutting off circulation to my fingers, then my first row looks more like macrame, all hard little knots. I really want to learn though, and now…
  • I bought a Groupon that's good for three massages. I've decided I get one every 15 pounds. To me, I feel like every pound I lose is equally hard, so it's ok that they're all the same. The incentive is extra strong because I've already paid for them, and I don't want them to go to waste, BUT I will if I don't lose the…
  • LOL, I love 512s too! Congratulations on fitting in the 12s, that's spectacular! Mine are dark, dark blue, and they're getting pretty worn out, but I won't let myself buy more till I'm down a size! They're the only jeans I have found that don't gap in the back.
  • WOW! Your arms, your stomach... That's awesome! You've accomplished something I can't wait for: when my boobs stick out further than my belly. Way to go!
  • I just figured it out a few days ago: Non-scale victory
  • I am! I'm Julepgirl on there too, please feel free to friend me!