Favorite non-perishable snacks to keep at work?

Hi everyone!

I work long hours at my job and often don't get to take breaks, so I have to sneak in snacks at my desk sometimes to be able to eat at all. Where I work, there is a microwave, but no refrigerator or freezer I can use, so any food I bring has to be non-perishable - I just keep it in a desk drawer and pull it out when I get hungry. However, I'm getting bored of the few things I've been bringing - Fiber Plus bars, unsweetened applesauce, pecans (the calories on those can add up, too!), the little green boxes of Bumble Bee fat free tuna salad w/crackers... so... can anyone else suggest some good, low-calorie but filling, non-perishable snacks I could bring to work that are ready-to-eat or only require a microwave?

Thank you!!!


  • julepgirl
    julepgirl Posts: 55 Member
    How long is your day? Could you bring a couple small meals instead of these snacks? I work an 8-hour day and don't refrigerate my lunches, and they're fine five hours after I made them. My favorite lately are wraps - My husband will grill up a bunch of chicken breasts on the weekend, and then I make myself wraps all week - chicken+bacon+lite ranch+lettuce+tomato; chicken+grilled onions and mushrooms or peppers+sprinkle of shredded cheddar; chicken+half an avocado+lettuce+tomato... I use lavash wraps (rectangular) cause I am inept at wrapping things in tortillas. You could cut it in half and only eat half for each snack if you like

    An apple, banana, grapes, cherries, etc don't need refrigeration. I keep an apple corer/slicer at work (little $3 thing from walmart) just to make the apples more fun to eat. You can even bring yourself a little dollup of peanut butter to dip the apples in!

    Those little cheese wedges - laughing cow - and babybel cheeses are ok out of the fridge for a bit too.

    Also, an insulated, softsided lunchbox and a reusable ice pack will keep most other (actually) perishable stuff cold enough for long enough. I was putting chipotle mayo on a couple wraps last week and it was fine (and my stomach is one that doesn't tolerate food/milk that is even slightly bad)
  • mauramalade
    mauramalade Posts: 10 Member
    Switch it up and instead of pecans do some raw almonds or walnuts. I keep a big bag of each in my desk at work. I agree with the apple/peanut butter combo. And if you got an insulated tote that could really help... you could bring some cottage cheese and put some of the walnuts in it and put some honey on top... so good! And if you had the tote you could bring some greek yogurt, as well. How about celery with peanut butter? I think that would be ok unrefrigerated for a while.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I would get a freezer bag, like you had in elementary school, then bring in string cheese, fruit, hummus with sliced bell pepper.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    What about getting a small cooler bag to bring, with some ice packs?
    Hi everyone!

    I work long hours at my job and often don't get to take breaks, so I have to sneak in snacks at my desk sometimes to be able to eat at all. Where I work, there is a microwave, but no refrigerator or freezer I can use, so any food I bring has to be non-perishable - I just keep it in a desk drawer and pull it out when I get hungry. However, I'm getting bored of the few things I've been bringing - Fiber Plus bars, unsweetened applesauce, pecans (the calories on those can add up, too!), the little green boxes of Bumble Bee fat free tuna salad w/crackers... so... can anyone else suggest some good, low-calorie but filling, non-perishable snacks I could bring to work that are ready-to-eat or only require a microwave?

    Thank you!!!
  • kelfran1
    kelfran1 Posts: 1,213 Member
    I definitely stock up and keep containers of mixed nuts. Also, (and I think I might be the only person in the world who does this) I keep peanut/almond butter on a shelf at work and bring carrots in, 3-4 full size ones on a day I know will be long, and I swirl those around in the nut butter and chomp away, The nut butter fills me up, and the carrots add a satisfying crunch. I also keep raisins and sometimes I will bring a small crock of applesauce to put the raisins in. Microwave popcorn is another of my favorites and you don't have to eat the whole bag, since people will smell it cooking and you can give some away on the way back to your desk.
  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    Top of my list since it's nice and filling is Olfason's flax whole wheat breakfast pitas. i eat half of one (100 calories) with peanut butter..almond butter is better for you, but I LOVE crunchy peanut butter too much.

    Another good one is keeping a shaker bottle and a good protein or meal replacement shake on hand for emergencies.
  • healthtenderfoot
    Fruity Pebbles Treats - Gluten Free Cereal Bars - 90 Calories - For a small snack these can be surprisingly filling
    Nature Valley - Strawberry Yogurt Granola Bar - 140 Calories - Higher Calories, but deliciously worth it
    Quaker Instant Oats High Fiber Maple & Brown Sugar - 160 Calories - I recently allowed myself Oatmeal again and I have been relishing in it.
    Idahoan Buttery Homestyle Potatoes (in a bag, 4oz) - Gluten Free - 110 Calories - Yes, I'll eat the whole thing. I save it for those days when I'm so hungry I could smash holes in the walls. Sometimes I'll eat 1/2 the package and save the rest for the next day, but I LOVE mashed potatoes and they are one of my weakness foods.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Not exactly "non-perishable" but it takes a long time for them to "perish"
    wheat thins
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    dried apricots, almonds, granola to top yogurt with, trail mix clif bars and special k bars (these are only eaten when I'm absolutely desperate because I don't really care for them), mint tea...these are in my food drawer at work. Oh and whole wheat peach apricot bars (super hearty fig newton type things).

    If I were you I'd be getting a couple ice packs and a little cooler to shove under my desk. Unfortunately non perishable also genearlly means fairly processed.

    Have you considered bringing a weeks worth of lunches with you so you can grab and go as needed? All bagged up in individual servings in the fridge or cooler? I do that. Its awesome.
  • kmbirkel
    kmbirkel Posts: 4
    Wow, thank you everyone! Super helpful suggestions!! And to answer the person who asked how long my workday is - nine hours plus a one-hour commute each way, so I'm usually gone from home for about 11 hours total.
  • AmberMahfouz
    AmberMahfouz Posts: 316
    Healthy Choice has new meals with rice and a topping that you can get by the canned foods. All you do is add water and microwave. They aren't bad, just need a little seasoning.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    a container with sliced apples, grapes, cheese, nuts.....yum!
    good cheese doesn't need refrigeration if eaten that day. Room temp cheese actually has an enhanced flavour.

    I'm also fond of the oatmega 3 bars. The choc mint tastes like thin mints.