fvoice313 Member


  • This will sound gross but if you take low fat cottage cheese and add a package (the powder) of your favorite flavor sugar free jello to it, it will make it taste really good and it's a recommended favorite from the diabetic dietitian. Wacky wrap fat free hot dogs - take a low fat crescent roll and wrap it around the hotdog…
  • Hi everyone I'm wondering if there is a buddy system where we would check in with each other. YOu know like oh Saturday is weight day send an email what'd you lose or gain ahhhhh. And kinda a good job or you'll get back on track. I've tried to do this in the forum but nobody cares if you don't post and it's so impersonal.…
  • I am also nursing my 3 month old and I nursed my son. It burns between 500 and 600 calories a day. I was told a breastfeeding mother should never go below 1800 calories because it can harm your body. Whatever you don't eat to gain quality in your breastmilk your body will take from itself to nourish your baby. It's normal…
  • Heres a trick give yourself a grade for every meal your aiming for all A's but if you have a meal thats a flat out F you'll really want to have A's the rest of the day so you can at least average a C. This helps stop the "well I already messed up so I'll just eat what I want today and start over tomorrow stuff"
  • I would like to join this group. I've been taking my newborn out for walks everyday as exercise. Before I got pregnant with her I just finished losing 140lbs. Unfortuantely I gained about half of that back between being pregnant and quitting smoking, but I'm starting to get it off just need some motivation. Created by…
  • I'd like to start this, i just joined this site and i have alot of baby weight to get off.