

  • Annnnnnnnnnd Boom.
  • Ditto, but I do have some nerd.
  • As others have said, it’s about getting healthy, making small incremental lifestyle changes and not thinking you’re on a diet. Diet does nothing but carry a negative feeling associated with it. People feel deprived because they don’t go about it the right way. Granted you might need to get a little extreme about it, but if…
  • Ice cream..........any kind. It's my kryptonite.
  • 100% Sicilian.
  • You need to earn it. Workout on your birthday. Get it out of the way early and enjoy the night. Create your caloric deficit and be mindful of what you eat. But personally, I wouldn't drink. It slows your metabolism down and it can lead to other "mishaps" during the night. But that's the extremist in me from knowing first…
  • He's def. out of his mind. Women with abs are hot. Not to say fit women without that level of dieting are not, they are. The abs are just icing on the cake.
  • My buddy told me about that movie and pretty much said the same thing. I'll have to put that on the list to watch.
  • This kind of stuff just SLAYS me. What it boils down to is people who have Zero self control or dicipline not to eat like crap and clearly jealous. When people try that nonsense on me, I always say this to myself: "it’s better to suffer the pain of discipline than suffer the pain of disappointment." Remembering that always…
  • I am a firm believer in prepping food in advance for the week. This gives me ZERO excuse not to eat right. It also makes it very easy after the gym to eat. So with all the meat cooked ahead of time (Sunday's are typically cooking day) For steak: sea salt, pepper For chicken: Lightly sprinkle italian seasoning on it, maybe…
  • I'm going to preface this with, this is not a joke. I have eaten this combination Countless times. My philosophy is if I can eat a Quatlity carb and protein sources and it will help me meet macro nutrient needs and not pile on the fat, I will explore eating it. Currently I've been eating eggs and 2 cups of blueberries in…
  • I eat brocolli, ground turkey, peppers and flaxseed oil (1/2 tbs over a pound of broc) all the time. Salt for some taste.
  • I eat it everyday. Part of my lunch is a salad. Half spinach, half kale. I throw some salt, red peppers, ground turkey and half a tablespoon of flaxseed oil on it. You get used to it. I enjoy it now. Much better than just eating lettuce. Way more nutrients in it.
  • It sucks I know. I sweat like a lunatic and it's not even funny. But you know what? Your TRYING!! That's better than most people who aren't even getting off their *kitten* and putting the donuts down. Just remember your making a positive change for yourself and that's the end result. Doesn't matter what everyone else…
  • Have to agree with this. I wore mine for several sessions of all the cardio I do over the course of several weeks: spinning, hiking, circuit, running and walking uphill. ALL (minus the hiking since that's outside) were lower than what the machine says. Afterwards I use those numbers/times as part of my mfp cardio. If your…
  • I love the frozen greek yogurt okios, blueberry. Though I know what you mean, it doesn't quite cut it. I eat well all week and kick my own *kitten* to enjoy it. Theres always blueberries/raspberries to throw on it, but truthfully a single serving of crushed dark chocolate on it makes it taste so much better and a little…
  • I've got a polar hr myself and base my caloric expenditiure off of those numbers vs. the machines. I have found that I was burning less calories according to the hr monitor vs what any machine kicked out. It also helped me get averages for things I consistently do that is not machine related but that I do with the same…
  • Man of Steel.
  • I suppose it really boils down to what matters most to you, going out for a cocktail or avoiding the empty calories that you've worked so hard to keep off (else why would you be on this site?). I don't mind a glass of whiskey or bourbon myself every now and then, but quite frankly I work way too hard to burn the calories…
  • If your eating sufficiently and properly, yes you can without overtraining. You just have to listen to your body when or if you feel run down. That's very important. This is my typical workout per week. Monday 6:15 AM Heavybag 20 min 5:30 PM Run 20 min 6:00 PM Spin 60 min 7:00 PM Weights~40 min Tuesday 6:15 AM Heavybag 20…
  • You're my hero, any reference, never mind movie clip of Commando is sheer WIN! :)
  • Two of my favorites: "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." "it’s better to suffer the pain of discipline than suffer the pain of disappointment."
  • NP. I can def. see a difference in your middle. That's not wishful thinking but reality.
  • The scale is ok to just keep tabs on things, but def. go by mirror/clothes. Absolutely, doesn't matter how much progress you've made, any progress is still positive. An hour and a half? That's tough. Every small change that you make, chances are you'll stick with it. It's always a work in progress till you get to where you…
  • You absolutely can. Most people constantly go by the scale and freak out if they've put weight on. Now if your not eating correctly and working out, then it's pause for concern. Ideally you want to go by the mirror and your clothes as litmus tests to transforming your body. When you eat right and exercise, specifically…
  • AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So true!