Helen_Luvnlife Member


  • I was on a small hike and had to make many stops to catch my breath. On one of these stops a bus load of senior citizens passed me by. Most of them weren't even breathing hard. I decided that's the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Having enough energy to do the things I love. That was 5 years ago. I am still…
  • You inspire me. Not only with your dedication and commitment, but to your head on approach to adversity. I am sure your work on getting healthy has and will help you heal quicker.
  • If you are really intimidated, hire a trainer for one or two sessions. They can set up a routine and show you proper form. I was worried about starting weight lifting but with a little help from a trainer I learned to love it.
  • You are doing such an incredible job. You truely are an inspiration.
  • It is a long hard journey but it can be done. My suggestions: Record everything you eat. Make smaller goals. I made the goal of losing 10% of my weight. My doctor told me just 10% can make a huge difference. When you accomplish that, go for another 10%. Start exercising if you aren't already. Don't start with a high energy…
  • Just checked it out. Looks great. Thanks
  • Congratulations on your decision. I too started with insulin resistance (borderline diabetes), fatty liver, high blood pressure, along with an inactive thyroid. Do not expect fast results. All those posts you read like " lost 100bs in 6 months" are not typical. You didn't gain in 6 months, don't expect to lose it that…
  • You are welcome to add me. I am 55 and also getting closer to my weight goals and nervous about maintains during the holidays.
  • I eat more protein too. Especially if you are doing strength training you need that protein for muscle repair. I aim for 25%, but I usually fall short. You will also find that if you eat fruit which I love your sugars will run way high. Unless you are diabetic I wouldn't worry about it. As far as recording your exercise, I…
  • Jumping jacks. I hiked the Grand Canyon but I can't handle jumping jacks. I think anything high impact is just to hard on me. Push-ups are horrible too but I still work on those but use the girly form with bent knees.
  • I'm on vacation and away from the scale. I am going on a cruise so I am planning on gaining weight but getting back to it when I get home to get those extra pounds off.
  • I also started doing squats against the wall with a stability ball. Then try doing squats over a chair like you are sitting down.
  • Starting weight 174 Aug 12 weight. 169 Today weight. 167 Making progress. I am not going to make my goal of 165 by the time we leave on vacation. (We leave Friday) but I still feel good about my efforts. And I was very excited over my physical training efforts. I jogged 5k yesterday. I have never in my life even ran a…
  • The first thing you do is forgive yourself. We all have bad days of eating. Celebrations, company, vacations..... The trick is to get back on track. Remember that the road to success is paved with failures. Take a gymnest performing on a balance beam. You may watch a perfect performance but do you think they have never…
  • Nothing is wrong with you, but it does take time to develop new habits. One thing I do is look at the calories and figure out how long I need to exercise to burn the item off. Then you can have the treat only after you workout. Walking 3 miles so you can eat that candy bar makes you really think about how bad do really…
  • Aug 7- 126 minutes. Did a 16 mile bike ride plus a short walk Aug 9 - I am guessing 45 minutes. Camping with the grandkids and went on 4 short walks Aug 10- 45 minutes a 2 mile hike Aug 12 - 102 minutes. Walked/jogged 6.2 miles
  • My weight went up a bit. 167.3-169, but I'm not surprised or concerned. I had a huge drop last week, plus I we t on a four day camping trip with my grandkids. Had a lot of fun now I will work on taking that weight back off.
  • Aug 6- 96 minutes bicycling 30 minutes walking
  • Aug 3- a 2 hr bike ride Aug 4- 3 hours picking berries
  • After almost 4 very frustrating weeks of not being able to get my vacation weight off I had a huge drop this week. I weighed in at 167.3, which was about a 5 pound drop. I am a little worried that this comes just in time to take my grandkids on a four day camping trip, with expectAtions of s'mores and ice cream. At least I…
  • Do not blame yourself. Men that cheat are selfish, self centered, and don't understand the meaning of commitment. He would of cheated no matter what your wheight was and chances are he will cheat on the next woman in his life no matter what her weight is. Find your inner strength and build a new wonderful life for…
  • I am not familiar with the 17 day diet either. But I would question how many calories are you eating and how often you are eating. If I go too long without eating my blood sugar crashes and I become light headed. Try eating a little snack inbetween meals and make sure you are eating protein with every meal. Also, make sure…
  • August 2- 70 minutes bicycling
  • August 1st 70 minutes biking and walking
  • That sounds fun. Do you want just the amount of time we are active outdoors? I will be spending a lot of time out doing things like riding an atv and camping and picnics....
  • I am so frustrated this morning! I want to just bag this whole thing. I logged my food carefully, I exercised hard, I was under goal by over 1800 calories, and I gained weight. I was already blaming my big jump a couple of weeks ago to retaining water so it should of been easy weight to lose. After all, I did not eat…
  • When my husband was diagnosed with diabetes we took classes from a dietician. She said not to count sugars, count effective carbs. Grams of carbs - grams of fiber=effective carb. So this is what I keep track of. For weight loss, a woman should have 3 servings of carbs 3 times a day. 1 serving is 15 effective grams. So a…
  • CW 172.8 I saw a 3 pound drop this week after a 7 pound gain on vacation the week before. I will continue to work hard this week to lose more. I am hoping to get to 171 by the end of the month. Good work everyone. It sounds like your efforts are paying off
  • I do not about the jawbone up but I have heard the fitbit flex is not accurate. It counts your Arm movements as a step. And if you are doing something like pushing a stroller that keeps your arms from swinging, it won't count the step. I am pals with somebody who got one and returned it after 3 days.
  • Three pounds is terrific tishtee. And what a great choice you made snacking on cherries. I have not been doing as well. I went to a retirement party last night. Then my husband and I went to a movie(complete with popcorn). Then out to lunch. Trying to find something to do out of the heat. Tomorrow we celebrate my…