

  • I'm on day 31 of p90x3 and the best thing I did to stay accountable was to join a challenge group! If you guys have a free beach body coach, they usually run challenge groups for people who bought the workout. My coach is awesome! Plus, in the first 30 days, I lost 5 pounds and 1.5 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off my…
  • I'm doing p90x3 and I absolutely LOVE it! Some days are harder than others but they all work the different muscle groups. There's a lot of reviews of all the different programs on youtube. Also, I would suggest joining a group. This is the first time I joined a challenge group and I love being a part of it and doing the…
  • You can buy insulin without a prescription. I was without insurance for a long time and I had to pay for insulin myself. Walmart sells the relion brand for 25 dollars a bottle. It's N and R, so it's not the best, but will work if you need it!
  • Hello, I was also diagnosed young, I was 8. In fact, I have an older sister who was 4 and a younger sister who was 6. Lucky my other brother and sister didn't get it!! Although, I hear it's not that common for siblings to all get it anyways!! I take levemir and novolog and a year ago I was taking 45 units of levemir every…
  • Well, I thought I was on day 75 of my 90 day workout, but I hadn't done day 74! So, after a few weeks of not doing those workouts, I am back on track!! And today's workout was hard, it was 45 mins of high intensity, so I feel super great!! Day 74 down! 16 more to go! :wink:
  • Hello, my goals are to stay under my daily calorie count and to finish my workouts. By finish my workouts, I mean I started Supreme 90 Day fitness, and I got to day 74 and sort of stopped doing the workouts! (A few weeks ago) I think I was getting a little bored, but they were working, so tomorrow I will start my day with…