

  • I've just made it a part of my routine. I'm a grad student now but I work full time so getting to the gym doesn't always happen. Some days I just take the long way to class or for sure take the stairs instead of the elevator. The best advice I can give is to make it a part of your routine. It took a few years but I managed…
  • No Strings Attached lol mostly because my dates always go that way
  • I have not cut it out. I drink anywhere from 4oz-32oz of coffee a day. Just depends on what I have going on, regardless I switch to water within 2 hours of getting to work. Coffee itself is not high in calories but its the creamer/sugar you have to watch out for. I only began drinking coffee at the first of the year and…
  • I'm on the fence. I've lost 6-8lbs. but I'm nto sure I see it too much. I know my chin has gotten smaller, not that it was huge to begin with and I think my midsection is a bit smaller but it doesn't feel like it.
  • I haven't been on a date in so long I doubt I'd know if a girl was even interested. Grad school=social life killer! But always lookin'
  • With a smiley face?
  • A few years back i switched from regular pop to diet pop and I don't feel like it did much for me. Then last October I went from drinking nearly 5 cans of pop a day to perhaps 1-3 20oz bottles a week. I don't put much stock in the pop thing doing much for you unless your drinking it all the time.