I work the overnight shift so I don't get enough. I sleep about 2 1/2 to 3 hours in the morning and then I get another 1 1/2 hours before I go to work. Weekends are much better, I get 5-6 a night. I know these hours make it difficult to exercise and sometimes I am literally too tired to cook any decent meals.
I admire your dedication. Nice job!
I measure as much as I can. Sometimes it isn't possible so I will guess a little high...better high than too low is my thinking.
I like to ride a bike. I am just a little over 200 myself and I have a bad foot...making walking or running impossible. Swimming is good too.
I lost wieght in my chest and my face, then at 15 lbs down I have noticed a slightly smaller stomach.
I also have high blood pressure and my doctor said it isn't always indicative of poor health or diet. He has a 300lb patient with the blood pressure of a teenager, he also has a patient who is a marathon runner and in great health and he is on high blood pressure medication.
I have a ruptured tenden in my right foot. I can hardly walk most days but I find if I ride bike I can get a good cardio workout. It's good for your heart and easy on the feet. Good luck, I hope you heal soon.