eissacf25 Member


  • Why do you even care, OP? What is the purpose of this little temper tantrum of yours? You could have easily made this thread a motivating one, using your mom as an example. Instead, you chose to berate people who have the means to buy things they feel help them lose weight. I assume this is all happening from a public…
  • I would recommend trying to drink an entire glass of water before giving in to your hunger, it could just be that you are thirsty! A low calorie bedtime snack should help too!
  • No problem!! The jerky gun is pretty cheap on amazon as well! We have fun with doing different flavors, our last one was just with McCormick's steak seasoning spices. I want to do a teriyaki one next. Enjoy :smile:
  • We make our own all the time! We use ground beef, season it with low sodium stuff, use a jerky gun on our dehydrator and bam. it's super yummy too! Cheaper, less calories, less sodium etc. ;)
  • The clothes are necessary, I mean if I showed up to the gym with out them I'd probably get some funny looks and possibly arrested for public indecency ;) I agree with the others about the fitbit, not only for the rewards and goals but it gives you really great summaries and charts to show your progress overtime. My runs…
  • Name: Cassie Age: 32 Height:5'6" Start Weight (January 3rd): 242.5 Goal Weight (January 31st): 235 Weigh-ins:: January 9: 242.2 January 16: January 23: January 30: Weight -/+ this week: -0.3 lbs Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week: I also have issues with snacking at work and trying to increase water!!
  • I hate to say it, but it probably won't go down until after you have the baby. Is this your first pregnancy? If not, did you swell with your first? Not that it really matters, each pregnancy is different. My hands swelled in the last trimester with my son so I had to wear my rings on a necklace, but with my daughter I was…
  • that's amazing!!!! keep up the good work and try to not get discouraged, its HARD to lose weight and even harder to do it without working out, you should be proud of where you are! you got this <3
    in Update Comment by eissacf25 January 2017
  • What, if any, is the calorie difference? I personally, weigh what I put into my body. I didn't eat raw meat, so why weigh and count that?
  • What is a typical day of eating for you right now, like what types of food? Are you doing this because you are diabetic? Diabetes or not, anything under 1200 especially if you are active at work is not safe.
  • I started it last month and my husband started this week. What I love is how EASY it is, I literally just grab my food and go. I'll add fresh veggies or a salad with my dinner and we make our own beef jerky, for added protein. Feel free to add me as well, OP! (or anyone else :smile: ) I have two friends that lost the…
  • I was mid weight-loss before my surgery anyway, so I just continued on plan but didn't see any difference. Would have been nice though! lol my gallbladder was bad, I'd have attacks after eating a salad. No matter what I tried to change in my eating habits, there was no rhyme or reason so that SOB came out! I wish I didn't…
  • Losing weight has always been hard for me, but the gallbladder being removed has no impact other than I'm way more comfortable and less bloated all the time lol. Good luck!!
  • I love my air popped popcorn! If you get a good brand of kernel, you don't need to add anything to it and it fills you up. Keeps any late night "bad" snacking at bay. Although lately I'm so tired at night I fall asleep before snacking. That's one way to keep from snacking, I suppose. :D
  • Is your goal in settings set to lose weight? If so, then the only notifications that will pop onto your feed are when you lose weight from your starting point. If your starting weight was 187.4, say tomorrow you get down to 187 it will post CindyMartin7 has lost x amount of weight since her last weigh-in, she has lost .4…
  • Sorry I'm jumping in here 10 days late! I assume this was your fasting at 116? Fasting is the most difficult to control (when you first wake up after sleeping for 8 hours). Having a healthy snack before bedtime helps mine, but everyone processes it differently so you'd have to do a trial and error. I find my fasting is…
  • OMG guys, you have to try this new thing I just read about!!!! GREEN TEA!!! :D
  • Calories in, calories out. eat less, move more. I'm not sure what there is to argue about here? If you move, you burn calories, who cares if it's not the same activity you choose to do? Who cares if its not the same effort you choose to do it at? We are all different and need to find activity in whatever form we can fit…
  • I plan to stay on diet as much as possible, but would be happy with maintaining my current weight! I will just eat smaller portions when I go off diet, work out when I can and maayyyybeee reduce my alcohol intake. HA. I'm just kidding about that last one; It hurts to even joke about that :D
  • For those of you arguing about exercise vs being active - when it comes to weight loss, just simplify the 'out' as well. Walking the dog for instance, can be called 'exercise', it can be just 'active in every day life' or it can mean nothing to you, but what doesn't change for every single one of us, is that it's burning…
  • What is your water intake like? I would try downing a few glasses of water first and see if you're still hungry!
  • I had the charge HR, and recently switched to the blaze. With the HR, as others stated, if you swing it vigorously it will count them as steps, so try not to just sit there at your desk and swing your arm hahah. I love the blaze though, I just tested the swing-arm test and it didn't do anything to my count (wohoo). Either…
  • Amazing!!!! Your before stats are pretty much on point with mine so it's awesome to see how I *could* look with hard work! I just recently started (again) lol but I am confident this time will stick ;)
  • this made me giggle haha - there should be a "laugh" or "LOL" button next to the others below each post.
  • I would just strive for lots of protein and vegetables, small amounts of carbs/things you love. The protein will help keep you full longer than something carb-loaded. This way you can eat everything you like, stay within calorie range and not feel like you're starving yourself either. Easier said than done, right? haha A…
  • Hey everyone!! The last few days I noticed that my aria scale has stopped syncing my weight and it's pulling in my husbands instead. I have looked at both fitbit and MFP to see if there is some kind of setting to tell it to pull mine again but I can't find anything. I've disconnected and reinstalled, still didn't fix it.…
  • That. You know what to do but you're just not doing it. No one here can help you if you're not doing it for yourself. What I do to get motivation is look at old pictures of when I was in shape, and compare them to what I look like now. I HATE how I look in pictures, my internal health was declining and I am exhausted all…
  • Same here, it was only the last two days (and this morning). I'm sure they'll fix it soon :)