

  • Congratulations!
  • Ooops! Double posting, I held dwn on the submit button too long.
  • Great job on your weight loss accomplishment.
  • I weight in today at the check. I am so happy. In July I was at 207 pounds; today I step on the scale at 200.2 pounds. This Fitness Pal has been so great in me achieving my targeted weight. :happy:
  • Hello great welcome. We are here to encourage you.
    in Hi all Comment by MsJantell August 2009
  • My OMG Salad Shrimp Spinach Tomatoes Red Onion Alvarado Sunflower Seeds Boil Eggs Crumble Turkey Bacon **Taste great! Now this is truly an OMG Salad. The only thing in the past; I ate too large of a serving so in this new journey; I will start making my OMG Salad again and eat in smaller portions. Use your favorite salad…
  • Tamishuamate, I just want to say a job well done. Great job on your weight loss. You look great and I know you will maintain what you have worked so hard to achieve.
  • Hi, There is great support in this community. I enjoy reading the great blogs because I can use some of the postings to incorporate in my personal life. Hey, I will see your blogs/postings in the community blackboard.
  • Hi, I am glad that you are back on your fitness program and that things have worked out for your son and now he is off to college. God will put no more on your than you can truly bear. Yes, you are absolutely right; we must all must learn to let go and let God not only with words but with total faith. Here is a few…
  • Veronica, Since you now know that you are eating a lot of junk food, it is going to be extremely easy for you to start eating healthy. I too like eating snacks that are crunchey and salty, but I know these foods are not good for me nor is these types of foods helping me to losing my undesired weight. :bigsmile: I am now…
  • Hi I will definitely try this. I sometimes find myself craving for sweets sometime that I didn't eat much of in the past. :embarassed:
  • Thank you. Yes, I am going to do it and I am going to maintain the weight loss once I achieve it. :bigsmile: ** I am having a little problem posting my ticker to my posting. When I start the sight I weight in at 207 and now at 203.4 but having problem posting my ticker.
  • Thank you for the words of encouragement. Congratulation on your weight loss. :happy: Yes, I am learning each day to stay away for comfort foods and fast foods -- particularly the fast foods. Since I live alone and seldom cook; the fast foods were often my dinner. I have started going to the market to buy fresh fruits and…
  • I could not agree with you more MOMOFTWO29 that this is a wonderful site. I stumble up on this site by goggling calories counts. Yes I love this site and I know it will be the foundation for me achieving my goal. :heart: :love: By the way, congrats to you on your weight lost. :flowerforyou:
  • dwnjjugalette, I am too logging everything that I eat and yes, I get hungry between meals, but I have been drinking water. I need to buy some healthy snacks. I threw out all of the bad snacks -- cabinets are bear but I will correct that his upcoming weekend. My stomach is begging for extra food because it is not being use…
  • :happy: Thanks BrenNew for the great information. I know it would be a great struggle without a support group. I do look forward for suggestions, recommendations, and best practices. Great job on your accomplishment of losing over 40 pounds. Kudo to you!!!