

  • I agree with DonnaDark, haven't given up anything, just make wiser choices and if I want ice cream for a snack at night, I make sure that I allow for it and up my exercise so that I can enjoy the indulgence.
  • Had cherries for a snack when I really wanted chips. Tightened my heart rate monitor strap, about a 1/2 inch, not much, but it's something.
  • Billy Blanks Tae Bo is good, I also like Season 1 of The Biggest Loser and Bob Harpers Beginners workout dvd
  • I have the Polar FT4 and bought mine because a friend of mine has one and loves it. I really like mine and how it is set specifically to me, so it gives me an accurate rate and calorie burn.
  • I have the same issue and always have, even as a teen. :sad: That said, mine is slowly starting to shrink :smile: with lots of cardio . Bob Harper suggests doing reverse crunches to target that area, and the few times that I have done those, I can feel it working that area. Need to get more consistant at doing them.
  • I got my heart rate monitor about 2 weeks ago and love it. I love that it is set specifically to me, and I know that I am getting an accurate heart rate, without having to stop what I am doing and check, and an accurate calorie burn. I have the Polar FT4 and I love it. I bought it off the Polar website and it was $62.00…
  • I prefer Bob's workouts to Jillians. I have Season 1 of TBL dvd and love it.
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