

  • It does remove the fibre but it allows for quicker absorption of the vitamins in the veggies. I make sure that I eat veggies during the day as well, this is just a quick way to get energy and vitamins in the morning. ETA: If I understand correctly, which may not be the case!
  • Hi Everyone! I am doing primal with no beef (beef and I do not get along because of my endometriosis) and I avoid dairy like the plague (I am lactose intolerant). Would love to have some friends on here!
  • I have completely cut out wheat (most things that contain gluten, but I do have the occasional beer and spelt works well for me). I have also cut out beef (I still eat pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc) because it causes inflammation. I don't eat diary products either and have eliminated most forms of soy as well. I don't…