

  • Wow, First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of this support. Wow. You are all so amazing, and I appreciate it SO MUCH. Ill give out more info : I first got my period back in 2009, and i was about 107 lbs then, and a bit shorter, many 5'5, After that, I gained some weight, so my 'average' was about 112 at 5'7.…
  • Ah, what type though? There is so many kinds! Prenatal, iron, vegetarian... I don't, and haven't eaten red meat, pork, or dairy for a long time. I eat fish and chicken... Almond milk, vegan cheese. I can eat greek yogurt, due to the probiotics in it (allows my tummy to digest it) but... regardless im still missing…
  • Yeah, with my Anorexia im struggling to even make it to 1000 calories a day. Thats an accomplishment.. I will begin upping my nut intake again, I've heard they are great for period issues. What types of vitamins?
  • Hello! I am trying to recover as well :)