eatz2mch Member


  • Sorry if I've looked over anyone. I'm still learning my way around on here. If I didn't touch base with you tonight, I'll find you tomorrow. Thank you all for the support, friend requests and replies!:smile:
  • Thank you, I appreciate that and sounds like we're in a similar boat. Good for you with your 7 year quit..that's AWESOME!:bigsmile:
  • Thank you so much, sounds good!:smile:
  • I can totally relate with the feeling bad, heavy and old. It is time for a change and it will happen if we want it bad enough!:smile:
  • Thank you so much...good luck to you also!:happy:
  • Thanks and I need to come up with a good work-out video to help me out. My treadmill has messed up on me, and my pool I can't get into every day. A work-out video sounds like a good plan. Have any ideas on one that has a lot of arobics in it? Thanks for the response and add me if you like, I need all the help I can…
  • Thank you very much!! That's exactly what I'm shooting for!:smile:
  • Thank you!:smile: