beckyc77 Member


  • I knew that I could not spot reduce for sure--that I get...and my boobs are already disappeared..maybe lifting will have the opposite effect for me ;)
  • Ha!! Ya ya...I guess I asked for it :)
  • ladimang---so you lifted weights and your waist shrank? Well that is about as far from spot reducing as you can get ehh?!! I would be thrilled with a smaller waist :) I am not sure why I cannot wrap my head around this but am MORE than happy to give it a try! Thanks!
  • Just know that if you get up and go you won't regret it!! Such accomplishment early in the day is very motivating. If you over sleep or talk yourself out of it you will have the nagging feeling of something else that you have to do for the WHOLE day.
  • This is what I have been doing: -Treadmill one hour a day-different intencities (done this everyday since Dec31st!!) -Think hard about whether or not I "NEED" the food I am putting in my mouth when it is not healthy -Weigh myself daily--must keep myself in check -Drink more water -I eat the same breakfast and lunch most…
  • I just make it an non-option. I do not really need anything so I just have a mug of tea and that is good was tough at first but in time the ritual of tea and bed is a great one :) Good Luck--you can do it!
  • I have 30 more to lose and would love to join a challenge--anything to actually get this weight off!
  • I have always had two bellies...even before babies...but I have always been overweight. Glad to know there is hope. Adios two bellies!
  • I am taking back my motivation and desire to get the job done...I am in a schlump and hate how I feel in it. Blah!!
  • Having never been skinny I cannot be sure...but poutine is pretty darn terrific and I cannot imagine that being skinny beats that taste! :)