

  • Hello Gwen, Glad to see you here and trying to get back to "sexy & sweet", looks like to me you are already on your way. I struggled with my weight for years even from when I was only about 10 years old. When I got into my 30's my weight ballooned to almost 300lbs too so I know what you mean. I did WW, lean cuisine,…
  • :smile: Hello Kamanda, my name is Charlie and I came here by a friends recommendation just to have some more info so I can try & figure out the weight thing "for the last time!" LOL I say last time cause it seems like I tried everything (diets, shakes, starvation) and nothing seemed to work for me until I started a…
  • I don't know if its possible for you at your work but what worked great to help me with the snack cravings was frozen green & red grapes. I know, you think I'm crazy but honestly it works really, really good. Gives enough of the "sweet" taste to help fight off what snack demons I had to face. And those demons get UGLY at…