Cozza0730 Member


  • Hello All, I started my journey in 2012, shortly after my grandfather had a heart that time it was a family effort which made the whole journey much easier. My starting weight was 273.0lbs over about a 2 and 1/2 year span I lost 109.7lbs and was down to 163.3lbs. Shortly after, a lot of changes took place in my…
  • You're probably right, I know that when I started this it was something personal and I was and still am kind of embarrassed, maybe more ashamed talking about, don't know why I just know that I am...
  • HAHA...My caption for that picture was Oh...HAYYYY, so I get it!! Its been a long road and I have lost a lot of weight but now being in the homestretch of it I feel like its so much more difficult, especially since the people around me have grown way too relaxed and have the mentality that "just one here or a little of…
  • Thank you everyone! I know this will be helpful for me!! I appreciate it very much!:smile:
  • Haha, Thank you...I had a few others on here and it seemed way easier to have support from people going through the same thing. Don't get me wrong, any support is great, its just much more motivational when you see others hitting goals...for me anyways! So thank you for being motivation!!
  • e It definitely help having people around you who are going through the same thing, worst part is when no one else is on board, makes for far more difficult decisions.