

  • Vibram 5 finger, helps my knees the most. On a hiking trial I will use my adidas climacools, but I prefer the tread mill so I can pace and keep track better.
  • I hit it, and it's just a program that can't always be met, but the first one can. I notice that the first 5% of body weight lost is the easy part. The rest is challenging and you need to find tricks that work for you. For me it's always cutting bread, pasta, rice and sugar. That does it, but wow I can't live like that so…
  • The only way to cope is to exercise which will allow you to increase your food intake. Really we don't need that much food and we can select foods that are healthy rather than calorie low. What I mean is, eating 200 calories of fruit is better than eating 200 calories of chips!
  • Depends what your objective is. Keep in mind muscle weighs more than fat, so although you are burning calories you may be building muscle. If you want to build muscle make sure you restore your muscles after a work out, so when you eat is also important as what you eat. After a work out eat mostly protein, no not carbs or…
  • I just wanted to add to the last post by saying in order to cut sugars you need to make sure you do not use the substitute sugars. They only keep your taste for sugar alive. Also, you don't have to cut sugar all at once. You can go down gradually till you stop it entirely. One more thing, cutting carbs like bread and…