zeeee Member


  • I've been going to OA for years and have found that its the only program that's ever worked for me long term. I'm absolutely a compulsive overeater and I am just like an alcoholic, but with food. No matter how much I needed to, or wanted to control my food, I just could not. I tried ever diet (starting at diet pill…
  • I've had lots of horrible things said to me, but the one that hurt the worst was when I accidentally took someone's parking place and he yelled from his car window calling me a cow. Some random guy making some random comment cut me to my soul.
  • I am also an OA sponsor and would welcome helping you.
  • I really didn't want to go to my first meeting. I had a bazillion reasons why I knew it wasn't going to work. When I finally went, it was awkward. There are things that people say together and I didn't know why. There was someone leading the meeting and I wondered what they had done to attain the level of a leader. It was…