NaschKatze86 Member


  • Count me in too, if I can still squeeze in, im in a different time zone :S I can do the initial test and measurements in +5 hours from now.
  • Uh stomache cramps, I did use to have those when I ran in the morning on an empty stomache, after 15-20 mins I always felt terrible and it felt like im gonna *kitten* myself. It was really nasty and hard to ingore. Now I do my morning run after a tiny ammount of breakfast (porridge from 20g oats and skinny milk) and the…
  • Make sure you do atleast 30-45 minutes cardio 4-5 times a week, and 4 times a week lift some weight. This can be on the same day righ afer cardio or you do the cardio in the morning and in the evining/afternoon you do the weight lifting. Split up your routines to two: biceps, legs, back, calves and other day triceps,…