

  • :smile: I agree with you totally... I log my exercise b/c I feel proud to have done them...but I dnt eat the calories back. I use MFP calulations...but I use a website to calulate my Zumba exercise b/c MFP doesnt have that exercise listed.
  • 38 here.... But lately I'm feeling younger (at least 10yrs younger). I'm so glad to have found this community. I joined in June '12 and my dedication & interest has been growing steadily. I logged my food & exercise frm the beginning now I'm adding encouraging friends to support me during this journey. Feel free to ADD me.
  • Hi...Im also new to mfp but so far I love it. I have been logging my food and exercise and its really helping me. I hope I can find some friends to talk to bc this is long journey and I dnt want to walk it alone. I lost a lot of weight before I got married and had a baby so I know it's possible. I am usually so busy making…