

  • I work 7pm to 7am shifts. I'm on maternity leave at the moment and am working out 6 days a week. I go back August 6. The plan is to work out after getting back from work. Some of my coworkers do it, but it scares me! Lol! I don't think I could do it before work, I'd be too tired at work and my patients will be depending on…
  • I just logged on here to search for PCOS stories! I did lose weight a few years back by eating a low carb diet alone (I wasn't diagnosed yet, but pretty sure I had it then). I was in the 140s and got down to 118 lbs (I'm 5'3"). After my first baby I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. I weighed 158 lbs and was put on…
  • Will be doing my Insanity workout. :)
  • Works for me. :)
  • Most definitely! Thanks! Before kids, I had lost soooo much weight and then fell off the wagon. I want to feel what I felt back then and even more.
    in Intros: Comment by LC2281 July 2012
  • I certainly have been drinking my fluids. Especially after my workout and a bit during. :)
  • I keep protein bars handy also for a quick snack. I eat the nature valley protein bars with 10 grams of protein. I probably should find an even healthier alternative, but it gives me my chocolate fix when I need it!
  • Hello! I'm 30 years old and been married to DH for 9.5 years. I'm a Mommy of 2 beautiful kids. A girl born August 2009 and a boy born April 2012. I've always had issues with my weight. When I hit college I began to gain more and more weight. I gained 40 lbs from my HS weight. My goal is to get down to 120, which was where…
    in Intros: Comment by LC2281 July 2012
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