

  • There are "mall walkers" for exercise. That's a thought. I don't do much exercise (due to the heat?)...due to laziness. However, my home has stairs, so I lift my knees as high as they will go when I am going up the stairs. It's not much, but it is something. Here is a website: 10 ways to exercise at home without equipment…
  • Little Rock, AR
  • I once read that eating a healthy big breakfast, breaks your fast from the nightly sleep. In this article, it stated that if you eat within 45 minutes of waking up, it actually gives you energy. I put it to the test and I do have more energy when I do this (when I do this)! Another way to quench my hunger at night is to…
  • Sounds like hemmorhoids. You should be concerned if blood from the rectal area is black and looks like coffee grounds. This would be internal bleeding. What you are describing is most definitely hemmorrhoids. You can have inner hemmorrhoids which don't hurt. The exterior hemmorrhoids hang like little grapes.