kobrien65 Member


  • I like the monthly approach myself for the same reasons. For me it's the first Friday of every month. Dreading to see what the scale says this month after traveling all over and eating out (and maybe too many beers in Mexico). Time to get back on the bike starting this morning.
  • Hang by Matchbox 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxv-weH5NXo
  • Go to Settings, Goals, select Lose Weight and there should be a box to enter your current weight.
  • Jesus, dude! You're a friggin rock star! Congrats to you and your family.
  • I guess mine was a series of events. Oh, I'll just buy those size 40's and I will start to get serious someday and get back down to those 36's. Then the size 40's starting getting tight. Buying those cool slip on shoes using the excuse that everyone is wearing them, and inwardly thinking that I can put these on without…
  • OK, time to get uber serious about hitting some intermediate goals, and August seems like the time to do it...just because. 1) - Hit 195 by... 2) No alcohol 5 out of seven days. No beer at all like amisnercpa is doing is just crazy talk, brother. I'd die. :) 3) Cardio 3x per week, Weights 3x per week. That's about all I'm…
  • Welcome Joe. You've landed in a great spot here at the Male Stop. No judging, just encouragement. Down 10lbs so far is excellent!
  • Good job, and good luck! I came back from vacation and was only up 2.5 lbs so I've got that to lose to get back to where I was and then another 2 to get below 200. I swear that is a concrete floor I just can't seem to get below. I guess with two weeks left in July, that's my goal. I am going to bust that 200lb mark before…
  • Happy Birthday Phil..way to go on the loss.
  • Welcome Phil. You've got a great attitude which is half the battle. As Kevin says, keep checking in here and let us know how you're doing. I weigh myself when I feel I've had a good couple of days and can expect a weight drop. Right now my body is fighting me like a whiny b**** and I haven't hit one of my goals that I'm so…
  • I'm still plugging away. I'm convinced my body is keeping me away from getting under 200 as some twisted retribution for treating it so bad. I get within 1 lb and then I'm up 2 the next day. I leave for Mexico on Saturday and would love to get below before I go just to say I did it, and then do what you're doing to work it…
  • Welcome. 3rd time, er.....4th time's the charm. Doesn't matter as long as you keep trying. Welcome back.
  • Hey guys, Kevin here. 47yrs old and pregnant...at least that's what I look like. It hit me when my fat jeans were starting to become tight. I used to be athletic and healthy and somehow transformed into a sloth. Putting my weight back in order, kicking and screaming. Lost 15 lbs so far and dropped a jean size already. 30…
    in Intro Comment by kobrien65 June 2013
  • SW 218 CW 204 GW 174 Been an up and down week for me...literally. Had someone finally not be afraid to say "hey, are you losing weight"? That felt great. Actually dropped down from 40 inch pants to a very comfortable 38. Almost like having a new wardrobe being able to fit into old clothes. Got down to 201.8 and was really…
  • Dude, congrats on breaking the 200lb barrier. I'm trying for it myself and will be jacked once I hit it. Perfect timing just before your vacation. Enjoy, brudda.
  • Kind of bummed that my loss is only 1.5lbs over the last week and I'm maintaining a 1000kcal deficit per day. Granted, I haven't been on the bike those last two weeks and I know that's a factor, but still I should have lost about 4lbs according to the math and my goal line. Oh well, more motivation to hit the bike,…
  • Check out the Male Stop forum. Guys only, no judgement, good participation. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/2013-the-male-stop
  • Great job, Ted! Working on my May goal of 100 miles on the bike, and dropping below 200lbs. 49 miles in and 5.8 lbs to go.
  • I'm in. G1: Ride 100+ miles on the bike in May G2: Drop below 200 for the first time in years G3: Maintain a 7000 kCal deficit every week in May
  • Was having an OK week until I saw my last weigh in creep above my goal plan line. Motivated my @$$ to stop relying on just my diet. Rode my bike (not my Harley) into work today. Felt great but have to get used to the routine of the night before making sure my backpack has all the essentials for the next day or I'll end up…
  • Totally agree with thadius. I wear the thing 23/7 (have to recharge 1hr per day). I tell MFP what I ate, MFP tells Bodymedia automatically, and BodyMedia tells me what I've burned today even if I was just sitting at my desk. I go for 1000k cal deficit per day and I am right on track at 2lbs per week. Great for factoring in…
  • So here's a motivator for me. I've lost 10lbs so far. Mostly through diet, but I know I have to lift to keep from losing muscle mass in my weight loss. I wear the Body Media Fit and keep my calorie deficit to 1000 kCal per day and that's how I'm losing. I have a makeshift weight room in my house, and to get a sense of what…
  • Yeah, I'm on the cusp of that transition to "only" being a fat guy. I bought the Body Media fit because I knew I had a slow metabolism and all the sites were telling me to eat too much. Sure enough, with my office job I only burn about 2200 - 2400 cal per day so I've got to keep the body moving if I want to eat! 1000 cal…