

  • How about Balsamic Vinegar? Low in calories and really refreshing.
  • My dad took my daughter to lunch when she was about 6. She saw that the lady sat next to her on the other table hadn't finished her veg. My daughter turned to the lady and told her that she wasn't allowed a pudding as she hadn't eaten all her vegetables. I only give my children a pudding if we have it to give but they must…
  • I agree with the above. Everything you do, try to put a bit more effort into. Do you have stairs? Try going up them a bit faster. I don't always have time to excersise on a regular basis so I stick my music on and blitz the house or maybe have a boogey round the livingroom with my toddler. No one can see me look like a…
  • Sorry. What does NSV stand for? :-)