

  • fat can leave 2 ways, and that depends on which fat youre talking about. fat that is undigested goes straight out the back to speak. the fat stored in fat cells is broken down into 2 components glycerol and fatty acids. when your body is in the post-absorbative state (+/- 4 hours after eating) your brain still…
  • i am a nurse, and i have studied nutrition as part of being a nurse. so from what i know about it starvation mode has nearly nothing to do with fat stores. it has to do with muscle mass and losing it. when you are eating adequate calories your body will burn fat and build muscle, if you do not have enough intake of…
  • the starvation mode is a biggie, you will hold on to excess weight because your body isn't actually getting enough. also you are eating a good amount of protein (if you are doing double cardio you need more protein than MFP recommends.) i know for myself personally i do a HIGH fiber (35 grams a day) and low-moderate carbs,…
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