

  • You still should go and enjoy yourself. I don't know anyone who is really that pleased with their body. I can't seem to lose pounds either. I watch what I eat and refrain from eating sugary foods and high carb foods. I believe that in time, I will see a reduction in my weight. It just takes a lot of time sometimes to get…
  • I stated that I use nuvia, I meant to say Stevia.
  • I hear you. I was weighing 147, but during the Christmas holiday, I weighed n at 158. I gain fast and no that I have no other choice but to get my act together. I started the Atkins Diet one day after Christmas. I now weight 155. I have been eating all protein. The only sweet items I have indulged in is diet tea, truvia,…
  • You're right. It's good to communicate. I feel very bloated right now, but I have only eaten foods with protein today. The only sugar I have had is via splenda, truvia and nuvia. I also drink diet tea.
  • I did't get it at first, duuh, how dumb of me and then I thought abou it. That was funny.
  • I forgot to say it is okay to cry just don't kep crying. It's okay to release pain with a good cry. I do it all the time, but I regain my focus and try again. Peace freeze
  • Please don't become discouraged. It takes a while and of course there may be set backs, but when you fail, just start again. At one time, I was hard on myself when I got off target, but I learned to just chalk it up and start over. Remember, we are human beings. I have been very busy lately and haven't had time to exercise…