Tricia2013 Member


  • Thank you. I was 100 lbs over weight. Already lost 20lbs. I have been very active. Walking 3-5 miles should not be a problem. So I will start with that until I do not get tired.
  • I would like to get into running myself. I have knee issues also. Any advice on how to get started? My 8 year old wants to get into a program Girls on the Run and there is a 5k at the end of the program she wants me to run with her. I have not ran in years. My other issue is I am overweight and 50 yrs old. I did get the…
  • Thank you for all of advice. I am going to start doing a little bit at a time, but nothing that requires kneeling or bouncing. That is when I feel pain the most.
  • I had strain my knee doing Zumba of all things about 3 weeks ago. I am going to give some exercise a try though. Keeping a brace on it seems to help.
  • Hey i am forty something. Just sent you a request.