bethan666 Member


  • Sorry if I sound stupid but what is Insanity please?
  • Guys thank you all for your replies!!! Not sure what to try but maybe one of soda lime....dewarts...white wine spritzer!! There could be a hangover in site...but as long as there are not too many calories lol... No to be honest I think I will try vodka soda lime…
  • Wow!! Great work!!! Keep it up! :)
  • every morning I have the same dish. 2 scrambled eggs in the microwave and then about 6 pinches of smoked salmon pieces. Yummy!
  • "you remind me of the babe...what babe?.....the babe with the power....What power?...the power of voodoo...who do? what?...remind me of the babe!" Sorry love that film!!! Welcome to the site. I have only been on my diet for 7 days and im finding really helpful. There are some really supportive people here…
    in Ello Comment by bethan666 November 2010
  • Hi there! Dont worry it is a good start. The first day I started I didnt try to cut down I just wrote down what I would eat in a typical day. Needless to say it scared the begebbies out of me. But I can always look back on that day and see how well I am doing now. I have only been trying my diet for three days but already…
  • Hi there Jessica and welcome to the site! I only really started my diet yesterday but so far its ok! Im in need of some support to so if you want to add me as a friend please feel free! My biggest problem at the moment is that I own a bar and every night I have to be sociable and have a few drinks. Also I tend to just eat…