

  • ...You sound so much like me and how I acted with my ex for over 10 years. He would step on my toes again and again and it was ok but I better not say "ouch" I feel you are a good-hearted person and he has provoked you beyond your limits. I'm sure this behavior is uncharacteristic of you, otherwise you would not feel so…
  • You're adorable, very cute little figure...
  • You are so beautiful! What an angel...I'm speechless at your courage and the fortitude it had to have taken to make such a profound journey. This is a testament to the power of the human spirit....
  • Excellent job! It's amazing how toned and taut you look, I have been worried I would have loose skin but I see that it is possible after a large weight loss to look great!
  • I was working out strenously for 1 month and "guesstimating" my calories and didn't loose an ounce. I thought I had been overeating but when I started using the food tracker I realized I had been undereating. I am on a 1,500 calories or so diet now and I'm amazed at all I can eat and still be within my calorie range.…
  • This is exactly the question I have...I always exceed my protein intake on my food log. I thought protein was good for building muscle and the more, the better? Is it possible that too much protein can be harmful? Really interested in the answers to this...
  • Wow! You're face looks so much more taut and toned. Beautiful! What a cute little figure you have now! Awesome job!
  • You show great fortitude and character by remaining in it for the long haul. It's wonderful to see the new you emerge like a butterfly from a cacoon! Corny, but true....:drinker:
  • ....At the risk of offending (I hope not) YOU LOOK HOT!!!
  • I have to agree with the above post, you do carry your weight don't look like 230 lbs. at all! Wow! Just think how great you will look at 175 lbs! Keep up the good work!
  • If you are doing heavy duty strength training it is absolutely vital that you drink enough water, Really, even 8 glasses of water a day are technically not enough to keep you hydrated properly if you are really working out. Heck, I can drink 3 -12 oz. containers of water in one workout session. The point is that those…
  • It really helps if you carefully log all the calories on your food tracker! Just the act of doing that has helped me greatly! Also try adding more fiber to your diet. You can painlessly do this by getting a powdered fiber supplement to a smoothie or yogurt or just about anything. It helps to fill you up. Also drink plenty…
  • I have this problem too and it's frustrating because I do so good during the day and then wake up in the middle of the night starved and unable to control my cravings. I know this sounds cliche but everybody says to drin k more water and I finally started taking their advice. It seems to be helping somewhat but I have to…
  • Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. I'm so tired of wearing sweat pant and big t's. I sooo self consious about my "muffin top" that most of the time they come off and the sweat pants go back on again. I have about 45 lbs. to loose and I can't wait until I can look decent in a pair of jeans. One day soon...this is my…
  • Absolutely, I could use a friend too
  • you look so beautiful:flowerforyou: