

  • Indeed, I attempted an evening run today and had to walk a good section of it. Won't be doing that again.
  • I get up at 5am for my runs. It's a great time to go running, no traffic, people or anything around. i get to run down the middle of wide boulevards and 6 lane highways. I'm considering getting up earlier as I'm about to increase me distance
  • I started the c25k the day I gave a 30 a day smoking habit. I had never run anywhere and had been over weight my whole life. I had to repeat a couple of weeks especially at the half way mark where the intensity really starts building. I'd say it is for true "couch" people if your mind is in the right place. Running is 80%…
  • Hello I had the same problems with stiches as many of you are all talking about. It can be addressed so easily it's untrue. Quite simply, your not warming up properly. You may be streching your legs and maybe even your arms but what are you doing about your chest and trunk? My I suggest starting with a couple of salutes to…