Chapps_LA Member


  • I've dealt with AS for many years, along with all of the usual accompanying challenges - severe joint pain, chronic iritis, et al. The most important things to consider when you have AS are 1) healthy eating, and 2) exercise. I've had to modify my exercise over the years, but I still lift weights and *walk* a lot (yeah,…
  • I have AS and work out all of the time. I'm 52 years old and still in great shape - slim and lots of muscle. BUT ... it hasn't been easy, and I've had to learn how to modify my workout gradually over the years to accommodate either a temporary flare or a new reality in my physical life. I used to be a competitive swimmer…
  • Very nice. People with AS need to see this more often - and believe in it.
  • Hey, Cecee - I'm also one of the AS lottery winners (and I've got it paired with psoriatic arthritis - so all of my joints are pretty much screwed). I was first diagnosed with arthritis at age 19, but it took over three decades and rapidly declining health to get the diagnosis of AS. As my doc said, I was in such top…