singingsoprano Member


  • I'm in for 75 miles.
  • add me! Only made one baby, but she's six....sooooo....can't call it pregnancy weight anymore...
  • yes, most of this. I would have "You're making me uncomfortable with the flirting, so can we just stick to business?" if it's bad enough to comment on. If it's just light hearted, I'd go with "Oh, you, just stop that, haha" or "Aaaaand back to the product..." Or trying to bring someone with you when you visit there. I've…
  • Yes, this, exactly. Your body is such an amazing machine. Apparently, it helped with the creation of 2 actual humans! Wow! It's not going to be a teenager's body, but the average teenager has done NOTHING inspiring. You've fallen in love, created life, dropped almost a hundred pounds, you're beautiful and AMAZING! Stare at…
  • You know, I think it's natural, but you do need to change your self-talk...because you're clearly in the dysmorphic range, here. You are healthy, strong and beautiful... But this whole process of weight loss is very ego-centric...very focused on the self, and it's disproportional to what's important in life. In other…
  • I think you're already tiny...I don't know how tall you are...but maybe your goal weight is below your normal? And if not, maybe you're just close to the goal, and need to not think about losing but just enjoying being healthier, stronger, faster, more active? What do I know, I'm at your start weight now.. :) But…
  • If you're well under 1200, you probably are eating too little. You really might want to try to net close to the 1200 give or take 100. Plus, water weight will easily bump you up or down 3 pounds, even over the course of the day. I'm assuming you weigh yourself always at the same time of day, with the same clothes (or lack…
  • Cerritos--add me if you want. :)
  • Have you tried returning the nasty stuff, betcha you could get them to take it back.
  • I don't post the plain veggies I eat. I consider them a free food, and I don't want to even count their calories in my count. I count fruit, any starchy vegetable and anything with a sauce. Rabbit food doesn't count in my world.
  • I somewhat changed my name. Went whole hog on my first marriage and changed everything. Then he decided he didn't really want to be married. Had to change it all back. What a PAIN! 2nd marriage, didn't really want to go through the whole process of the SS office, etc. I use both names interchangeably. At my kids' school…
  • Stop ruining my weightloss theories with science. I was just on my way to buy a case of mayo.
  • OK, I'll start with my first reaction: Yuck! Sorry. I'd see think of it like junk food--a treat--celebrate when you reach a goal or something like that, because there's pretty much nothing of nutritional value in what you're eating there...and the soda is anti-health too... there are better choices at McDonalds if you…
  • Well, you can't make yourself lose weight in one area by exercising that can improve muscle tone there, and that may look better, but if there's still a layer of fat over the top, only losing weight in general will make that go down. I'm going to throw it out there that I think 1350 calories is wayyyy to low for…
  • can you post a picture of them? In answer to your question, no, I haven't had this happen to me.
  • Berry,. these are good tips. Agree completely.
  • Nothing's "wrong" with you, it's high impact exercise, and one you need to build up to. The good news is your endurance will improve just as quickly as your body once you get rolling. Here's what u need (from a former fellow non-runner) 1. A plan. Try to run for 30 seconds then walk for 3 minutes. Do that for 30 minutes.…
  • 40 ye old vegetarian (ovo-lacto), mother of a 4 yr old and 13 yr old checking in. Don't quit now, you'll just have to start again, and that's worse (she says from repeated personal experience) So for ideas: Increase calories by 10% Change type of exercise Cut any diet sodas/sweeteners completely Good luck and a hug to…